26 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi

Bonsai On Stamp Hong Kong



(Set of 4, 2003)

Images and description courtesy of Alejandro Bedini G., Académico Depto de Industrias UTFSM in e-mails to RJB, 04/08/04 and 04/12/04. The stamps come in a plastic sleeve that protects them. The front opens from the center like a large carved Chinese folding door looking out to a garden. The lower center flap pulls down to reveal a cardstock pop-up of a large fukien tea Bonsai on a stand.
Also, images about twice as large as below can be found on pp. 15-16 of Nichin Bonsai magazine, Issue 3-2003.

Hong  Kong $1.40 Bonsai Stamp
Hong  Kong $2.40 Bonsai Stamp
$1.40 Fukien tea ( Carmona ) semi-cascade by Mr.Wong Kee-mein.
$2.40 Hedge Sageretia ( Sageretia theezans ) informal upright by Mr. Lau Yiu-fai. This tree has won many awards.

Hong  Kong $3.00 Bonsai Stamp
Hong  Kong $5.00 Bonsai Stamp
$3.00 Fire-thorn ( Pyracantha ) cascade by Mr. Wu Lik-man. This tree also has won many awards.
$5.00 Chinese Hackberry ( Celtis ) root on rock by Mr.Wong Kee-mein

Bonsia On Stamp - China


"Miniature Landscapes"

(Set of six, issued March 31, 1981)
(actual area inside solid black border: 27 x 32 mm [first three] or 24 mm x 35 mm [second three])

Examples of Shu Zhuang Pen Jing, tray landscapes made only with trees.

4 fen Chinese Elm
Ulmus parvifolia Jacq.
8 fen "Garden" Juniper
Juniperus chinensis L.

8 fen Maidenhair Tree
Ginkgo biloba L.
10 fen Chinese Juniper
Juniperus chinensis L.

20 fen Kaki Persimmon
Diospyros kaki L.f. var. sylvestris Makino
60 fen Meyer Juniper
Juniperus squamata D. Don cv. 'Meyeri'

"Potted Landscapes"

(Set of six, issued April 18, 1996)
(scanned images courtesy of Chris Cochrane, 09/08/1999)

Examples of Shan Shui Pen Jing, tray landscapes made from plants attached to rocks,
with or without figurines.

20 fen Green Scenery of Lijiang
20 fen Glistening Divine Peak

50 fen Melting Snow overflows the River
50 fen Eagle Beak-shaped Peculiar Peak

100 fen The Most Uncommon Years and Months
of One's Life
100 fen Peaks Rising in Rosy Clouds